Europe emergency number. 5 million were ‘112’ calls.
Europe emergency number 28% of callers have language problems when they call 112 while abroad. Here we address some of the main queries raised in an effort to bring more clarity on the issue. Managing Director at EENA - European Emergency Number Association · As Managing Director of EENA, I have rather a central role, with a focus on trying to be a facilitator for all staff but also for all people being part of EENA Throughout Europe you can call 112 free of charge 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get immediate assistance from the fire brigade, the police or an ambulance. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This document is authored by EENA staff members with Emergency numbers 112, 997, 998, 999 must not be used to contact the Police, the State Fire Service or the State Emergency Medical Service for purposes other than report an emergency and using them in non-emergency situations makes them inaccessible for other callers and may cause delays in providing immediate assistance to those whose life, health or Germany 112 - One Europe - One Number Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge Without this number, it is impossible, or it takes an exceptionally long time to enter into contact with emergency services on the other side of Europe. Learn what 112 is, how it works, when to use it and where to find it in the EU. The Commission closely monitors the implementation of the 112 emergency number in the EU through regular reports given its importance in saving lives. • Emergency Department visits rank from 100-300 visits per 1. 112 is the European emergency number in all 28 EU Member States, as well as some other countries in Europe and other regions of the world. The reason for this is that many people do not know that 112 works everywhere in Europe. 7. The European emergency number is free and can be reached by landline phones as well as mobiles. The share of emergency calls to the single European emergency number ‘112’ represented 56% of all emergency calls: out of a total of 267 million calls placed in the EU, 150 million were ‘112’ calls. The memo also explains the EU rules, the Commission's role and the awareness campaign for 112. Make this site as one of Your favorites: Link to us. 140 Mountain rescue : Austria : Emergency applications : 112 European emergency number (Police). Particularly, the assessment focuses on the volume of emergency calls made to 112, the answering time, an equivalent access for disabled users, as well as the availability and accuracy of the caller’s location. 112 is also the international emergency telephone number for all GSM mobile In the event of an emergency requiring the intervention of the fire brigade or an ambulance, dial 112. Shaping Europe’s digital future. Call 112 abroad? Call "112" free of charge across Europe for urgent help. When you called an emergency number This way the operator is sure that there is no emergency. The report is based on the responses of Member States and two EEA countries, Iceland and Norway, to the questionnaire 2 submitted to the Communications Committee Each year on 11 February, Europe is proud to come together to celebrate European 112 Day. Some countries will have one number that covers all three emergency services (police, ambulance, and fire), as 911 Learn how to call 112 from any phone in Europe to contact ambulance, fire brigade or police. In a medical emergency as a result of an accident, violence or a fire, call 100 (in Belgium) or 112 (valid throughout the European Union). be Application: External site app 112 BE. 1. The emergency phone number across Europe is 112. Find out how 112 works, where it is available and what to do in case of emergency. In 2021 calls to the single European emergency number ‘112’ increased by 3% to 153 million compared to 2019. 5 billion calls Wherever you are in the European Union, you can always reach the emergency services on 112, the single European emergency number. From being accustomed to learning a new number wherever they went, travellers now only need to remember one: 112. 112 and 113 (European Emergency Number and Police) Malta 112 (European Emergency Number) 2122 4001-7 (Police) Netherlands 112 (European Emergency Number) 0800-6070 (Police) Poland 112 (European Emergency European emergency call The European emergency telephone number is 112, which you can use in the member states of the European Union in case you need urgent help from a fire brigade, a medical team or the police. 116. A common, free, Europe-wide number to reach local medical, police or fire department services is essential for travellers who find themselves in distress across the EU. The emergency service will Calls made to 112 from a cell phone will also be forwarded to the emergency services in some countries outside Europe. Dialling 112 connects you to emergency services, including ambulance, fire brigade, or In 2021 calls to the single European emergency number ‘112’ increased by 3% to 153 million compared to 2019. 11 February is European 112 Day, a day aimed at raising public awareness of Europe's emergency number, 112. Item added Item updated Item removed No more products on stock You entered wrong value. Thanks to EU legislation adopted in 1991, people in distress can call the 112 emergency number from anywhere in the EU and free of charge. The number 999 was chosen for technical reasons, It was introduced across Europe in order to give a standard number for travellers to European emergency number: 112 ; Emergency number for the deaf and hard of hearing: 114 ; For emergencies at sea: 196 ; For aeronautical emergencies: 191; Other useful numbers (+33 France country code) In case of loss : Your 112 is a single emergency telephone number that allows European citizens and travelers within EU to contact emergency services for assistance in all Member States. An emergency phone on the Welsh coast at Trefor featuring 999. Meanwhile, the total number of emergency calls, including to the national emergency numbers, where these are still in use, remained steady at 270 million. The European 112 emergency number can also be called from locked mobile phones (without needing to enter a PIN). Unfortunately, some countries still do not provide this long-number and this can delay emergency operations. In the border region between the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, your call may end up in a different country than the Every year on 11 February, the European Union puts its Single Emergency Number “112” in the spotlight. 89 . Avenue de la Toison d’Or 79, Brussels, Belgium . These general numbers can be called free of charge during any 1. Report on the effectiveness of the implementation of the single European emergency number '112' Download Related topics 112. Cart. The recognisable, EU-wide emergency number is supported by operators and national Public Safety Answering Point systems, which ensure that the call is properly and efficiently handled. With the European 112-emergency number, help is never more than a phone call away. This site is managed by: Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology. The pan-European emergency number is 112 or 114 (for hearing assistance) and they also work in Belgium. However, not all countries use those emergency telephone numbers . In 2019, Europeans called ‘112' close to 150 million times, which represents 56% of all emergency calls, while in the last 10 years, some 1. For immediate help in emergencies, the European emergency phone number 112 is available across the EU, free of charge. 29. Click on Your selected country in the map: About Established COMMISSION DELEGATED REGUL ATION (EU) 2023/444 of 16 December 2022 supplementing Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the Council with measures to ensure effective access to emergency ser vices through emergency communications to the single European emergency number ‘112’ 112 European emergency number (Police). Introduction. The telephone number 1-1-2 (or 112) is the standard European Union (EU) emergency telephone number. You can call for urgent assistance in the 27 member states of the 112 - One Europe - One Number Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge Home COUNTRIES Each year, 11/2 marks the day to raise awareness about 112, the single European emergency number that everyone in any European country can dial to reach emergency services. 112. (‘French Emergency Telephone Numbers‘) On 112 Day 2024, the European Emergency Number Association (EENA 112) has released a report, delving into how different European countries can improve in terms of their emergency response, as well as their strengths and adherence to mandatory EU legislation. This year in August will be 25 years since 112 number was introduced, yet a survey shows that only half (48%) of EU citizens could spontaneously identify 112 as the number that allows them to call the police, fire brigade or medical services anywhere in the EU The single European emergency number 112 was adopted by Council decision in July 1991 in order to enable citizens of the EU to call the emergency services (i. Calls to ‘112’ represented 56% of all emergency calls in 2021. Website: External site www. Emergency Services in European Union. Visit our dedicated conference website here for everything you need to know regarding registration, booking your travel, our conference programme and more. This applies to end-users with disabilities and those travelling within the Union alike, contributing to the free movement of persons. European emergency number: 112 When in distress or a witness of an accident you can call 24/7 in all Member States of the European Union to get immediate assistance from the fire brigade, a medical team or the police. In addition to the national emergency telephone numbers, the Europe-wide emergency telephone number 112 was introduced in 1991 in order to make a common emergency call available in every member state of the European Union. It works in parallel with other local emergency numbers in about two out of three EU states. No products in the cart. On 10 February 2009, EENA is organising a 112 Awards ceremony in Brussels to recognise best practices in different areas including: education, policy initiatives, emergency centres and awareness. General Emergency Number (Available across all EU member states, 112 connects you to the nearest emergency service, including police, fire, Emergency numbers What is 112? 112 is the European emergency number in all 28 EU member states, as well as other countries in Europe and elsewhere. So if you know those numbers, you can also use them – the service will be the same. • A significant variability between and within countries is appreciated. 122 Fire brigade. The European Commission has stepped up its efforts to promote the use of the charge-free European emergency number 112 in the EU. 2. Report / Study | 10 February 2017. EENA Workshop: Materials Now Available The materials from our latest workshop on implementing EU law on emergency communications are now available! With over 153 million calls made to the single European emergency number 112 in 2021, the implementation and effectiveness of 112 remain a key priority for European institutions. As of on 3 June 2008, the new website ec. [2] European emergency number ‘112’ in the EU Member States. Info about Emergency call number 112 in Europe. All calls are answered by 999 operators, and are always free. 112 is a common emergency telephone number that can be dialed free of charge from most mobile telephones and, in some countries, fixed telephones in order to reach emergency services (ambulance, fire and rescue, police). 2 - to draw attention to the single emergency number 112 in Europe. At present, 31 PSAPs from 26 European countries are now using the PSAP Directory. 97. How can citizens get the best help possible if they find themselves in an emergency? This is the question we continuously try to answer. This number is free of charge. To get in touch with the DAN Continental Europe office, please call +39-085-893-0333. You can call 112 from any phone, anywhere in Europe, completely free of charge. The latest report shows that more than half of all total 270 million emergency calls placed in the EU are made through the EU single emergency number, 112. This is the European Union’s (EU) emergency phone number equivalent to America’s 911. Over the past 10 years, on this official 112 Day, emergency services celebrated their work and reminded citizens of the importance of the European emergency number. This cross-border aspect implies that actions at Member State level cannot address the detected issues in an effective manner. travelling in the EU Wherever you are in the European Union, you can always reach the emergency services on 112, the single European emergency number. Need help? 112 is your life-saving number! 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge. Information about emergency 112 in Europe. Since December 2008, the emergency call services can be reached from all fixed and mobile networks and free of charges with the common telephone Implementation of the European emergency number 112 - Results of the tenth data-gathering round. To raise The European Commission has published its 2024 report on the implementation of the European emergency number 112. You can reach the non-emergency medical assistance even if you are outside Italian police car with 112 emergency number prominently displayed (Photo Credit: gabrieletamborrelli) When traveling in Europe, remember the number 112. People in distress can call 112 24/7 to reach the fire brigade, medical assistance and the police. SOS 112 in Europe: Home. This number:is valid throughout the European Union (EU); andmust only be used for emergency situations, such February 11th is 112 day – a good occasion to teach children that, if they are in danger, they can call 112 24/7 to reach emergency services anywhere in the EU. The report is based on the responses of Member States and Norway, to the questionnaire 2 submitted to the Communications Committee (COCOM) 3 on the The intention behind creating a single European emergency number was to ensure that urgent help is accessible to anyone, regardless of where they might find themselves in Europe. Three quarters of Europeans know 112 as the emergency number in their own country. In some EU countries, 112 is the main emergency number. The service, which is available free of charge from fixed and mobile phones everywhere in the EU, connects a caller to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP). Southern California Telephone Co. 112 is a single emergency telephone number that allows European citizens and travelers within EU to contact emergency services for assistance in all Member States. e. The report at national level was based on Key Performance Indicators such as number of emergency calls, answer time, access for users with disabilities, caller location and awareness levels, in order to determine the state Europe is proud to come together to celebrate European 112 Day and raise awareness of 112, the European emergency number. org with the subject “Spontaneous Application”. Jovan 2015-02-11T20:37:27+02:00 11/02/2015 | Categories: News from Brussels | View Larger Image; 112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge. Europe’s universal emergency number, 112, is a critical lifeline, connecting citizens to lifesaving services European Emergency Number Association (EENA) -Vassil Krastev, European Communications Office (ECO) - Tadas Maroščikas, 112 Lithuania EENA European Emergency Number Association . More info on 112. dec112. . Read More. AML is a technology that enables the provision of such information and thus, ensures compliance with this legislation. It is also used in some other countries as an emergency telephone number for both mobile and fixed-line telephones. Below, you will find emergency contact numbers valid for Italy and, where applicable, the European Union. Citizens can dial 112 to reach the emergency services, including the police, emergency medical services and the fire brigade. The EU is making sure that Europeans know that they can dial the same emergency number anywhere in the EU. The data for this report on the implementation of the European emergency number 112 was collected in 2018 throughout the EU Member States. 112 is the single European emergency telephone number which you can dial in case of an emergency in any EU Member State. 140 Mountain rescue : https://app. ) 999 is the official emergency number for the United Kingdom, but calls are also accepted on the European Union emergency number, 112. I’ll dive into the correct 999 has been used in the UK for over 80 years and was the world’s first single emergency number. European emergency number: 112. Why 112? EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, is a non-governmental organisation. Our mission is to contribute to improving people’s safety & security. JOIN THE TEAM Would you like to work with the European Emergency Number Association? Do you want to help us improve citizens’ safety in Europe? Send an application to info@eena. However, not all countries on the European continent are part of the EU. If you call 112 outside the Netherlands, the call is connected to the nearest emergency call centre. 000 habitants per year. T: +32/2. Any citizen in the EU should be able to reach emergency services free of charge when dialling 112, from their fixed NO - 112 operates in every EU country alongside the existing national emergency numbers. Your call will be picked up by trained operators, who can speak in the national language of the country you are in, and who can deal directly with your emergency, or pass it on to the relevant service in that FLASH EUROBAROMETER 368 “The European emergency number 112” 6 MAIN FINDINGS Knowledge of the European emergency number 112 Most EU respondents are unfamiliar with 112 as an EU-wide emergency number: just over a quarter (27%) correctly identify 112 as the number to call anywhere in Join us from April 9-11, 2025, in the vibrant city of Helsinki for the EENA Conference and Exhibition!. It works in every country of the EU, for land lines and mobile phones. 112 is easy to remember: Left thumb up for 1, right thumb up for 1, and both thumbs together for 2. 56% [] Every year, 11 February is a day to celebrate all those who contribute to the European emergency services chain. Overall, only 24% of surveyed Europeans could spontaneously identify 112 as the number on which they can call emergency services anywhere in the EU. Service is available in English, French, German, Dutch, In emergencies, dialling 112 is the critical step for getting help. If there is any job ad below, please send your application according to the procedure explained in the ad. Once set off, the system dials the European emergency number 112, establishes a telephone link to the appropriate emergency call centre (aka Public Safety Answering Points – PSAPs) and sends details of the accident (aka Minimum Set of Data – MSD) to the rescue services, including the time of incident, the accurate position of the crashed vehicle and the direction of travel. In many countries, dialing either 112 (used in Europe and parts of Asia) or 911 (used mostly in the Americas) will connect callers to the local emergency services. For other countries, please refer to local emergency services. Member States all over Europe organise [] The data for this report on the implementation of the European emergency number 112 (PDF) was collected in 2017 throughout the European Union. 3 million emergency calls were placed by roaming end-users, out of which 1. at/ Austria : Messaging : text based emergency call 1-1-2. began using 116 as an emergency line for Los Angeles, The European Emergency Number Association (EENA) has also worked actively to promote 112 over the past years. One emergency number for the whole of Europe. If you have accidentally called an emergency number, do not hang up but tell 30th anniversary. How does it work? You can call 112 from fixed Aug 18, 2024 For many places, the European emergency number is 112 instead of 911, but this does vary by the country. It is estimated that 2. European emergency number: 112 When in distress or a witness of an accident you can call 24/7 in all Member States of the European Union to get immediate assistance 112 is the European emergency number, available free of charge, 24/7, anywhere in the European Union. police, fire and ambulance) by using the same number from anywhere in the EU. You should only call the emergency number if the situation is life-threatening or there is a risk of permanent damage. 3 February 2023. Some countries will have one number that covers all three emergency services (police, ambulance, and fire), as 911 does, but some will have dedicated emergency numbers for each service. 2021 . Key findings on the report include: 62% of all emergency calls in the EU are now to the single European emergency number 112—a significant increase from 2021. The EU rules on 112 have recently been reinforced and the Commission continues to monitor their correct implementation in the 27 Member States of the European Union. Thanks to EU rules, Europe’s single emergency number – 112 – will be more effective and efficient when people ask for assistance in an emergency. Police emergencies: 101 European-wide emergency numbers. Calls in the EU to the “112” reached 140 million last year. Established in 2009, and dedicated to raising awareness of the European emergency number 112, it is a day to recognise the work of all those who contribute to the European emergency services chain. 5 million were ‘112’ calls. Videos shared on social media as part of the Galileo Accuracy Matters campaign, highlighting Galileo’s contribution to the European Commission’s E112 emergency response service, have generated a number of questions from users across Europe. We aim to ensure consistent application of the latest technology that can greatly improve communications and safeguard the safety and security of citizens. It is collected from the national helpdesks responsible for Regulation (EC) 94% of EU respondents think it is useful to have a single emergency number available in the EU. It is now a valid emergency number throughout EU countries and in many other CEPT countries. EENA 112 . 4 Note: The information featured in this table is solely provided to assist parties in the compilation of safety data sheets. A PSAP is a call centre where calls for first responders, including police, ambulance and fire brigade, are received and Fortunately, across all of Europe, there is only one number to remember: 112. EENA noted that 112 has grown to be more than a European emergency number, and now covers a wider concept for ensuring that everyone in Europe has access to high quality emergency services, that citizen’s are prepared for emergencies, and that emergency services across Europe cooperate to improve public safety. With every passing year, EENA aims to raise the bar higher and bring together experts from all corners of Emergency Medicine in Europe • Emergency medicine activity in Europe is not fully accessible. Search for: Home; Euro Bookings. (Note the keypad missing digits 4 - 0, with no instruction on how to dial 999 from this phone. Last update. Many citizens are unaware of the immense number of actors it takes to provide a continuous, effective, and efficient 112 service: 112 Day is dedicated to recognising the work of all those who contribute to the European emergency The European Electronic Communications Code (Directive 2018/1972/EC) makes it mandatory for all the Member States of the European Union to make use of handset-derived location to locate people calling emergency services starting from December 2020. europa. European Emergency Phone Number 112. 7 million emergency calls were made by roaming end-users, representing 1. Show with the blue-yellow logo that 112 is the Europe wide emergency number! List of Emergency Numbers for EU / Schengen Area Citizens facing difficulties going back to Europe Country Representative Location Emergency Telephone numbers France French Embassy Singapore +65 9816 6364 Germany Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Singapore +65 9817 0414 Greece Embassy of Greece Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The European 112 Day takes place every year on 11 February - 11. In order to ensure a quicker and more efficient intervention, 112 operates either alongside the national emergency numbers or as the main emergency number depending on the country. eu/112 tells citizens how to use 112 and what to expect from it, particularly when they travel within the EU. It is almost half of all the emergency calls. It is invaluable in all countries but particularly countries, such as France, which has several emergency numbers to choose from. Call 112 for free in all European countries for urgent help; Call 1722 in case of a storm or flooding when you need assistance from the fire brigade; It is incredibly important for children not only to know that the emergency number 112 exists, but also that they can use it In order to foster the adoption of IP-based emergency communications (Next Generation 112), the European Commission requires member states to produce within nine months a roadmap detailing their country’s plan for PSAPs to be ‘112', the common EU number for emergency communications has been saving lives for 30 years, helping Europeans travel safely and reach emergency services in any EU country through the single EU number. 7 million emergency calls were placed by roaming end-users to the single European emergency number 112, representing 1,56% of all calls to 112. This report presents an overview of the latest updates regarding the implementation of 112, the European emergency number, in the different Member States. EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, is a non-governmental organisation with the mission to contribute to improving the safety and security of the people. Since the Council decided to use 112 in July 1991, a number of laws have made it what it is today: a free, 24 hours-a-day emergency number for all of Europe. The share of emergency calls to the single European emergency number ‘112’ increased significantly compared to 2021 and represented 62% of all emergency calls. 144 Ambulance. • Emergency Department Visits are 10% of all out of hospital visits. 534. Print as PDF. If you are in a country included in the list below, take advantage of our local telephone numbers. Figure 1. The report gives the data on emergency calls, answering time, access for disabled users, caller location and awareness levels, and finally, determines the state of play of the implementation of emergency communications. The emergency numbers can be called free of charge from any phone in Austria (European emergency number: from any EU country). 1991 - 29. This report reviews the effectiveness of the implementation of the single European emergency number ‘112’ in line with Article 109(4) of the European Electronic Communications Code 1 (EECC). 112 is the European emergency number so dial 112 if you need any emergency service free of charge Follow Us: Search for: 0. Awareness campaigns, open days, activities for children, emergency services organisations [] Where to find emergency telephone numbers required for SDS section 1. You can dial it from everywhere in the EU, from a landline or a mobile phone, free of charge. Every year Member States submit data so we can analyse the efficiency and effectiveness of the single European emergency number - 112. Both of these numbers are free 24 hours a day from a landline, a public telephone or a mobile phone (even when networks are not available or overloaded). 100: Fire brigades and ambulance Service of fire brigades. kcswl acbec kcrdv nkjkijr avko mlbixo ptksrz yqtjarl corp opz qbdg brwn fowox wlmu kkhspr